Post 33 - Studio

Post 33 - Studio

Putting it all together

Since the seminar I have been working on my next 3 large paintings, again the same size as the ones I have done previously.

I have been following my ideas laid out before -

1 using past work to create compositions that generate drawings that I can use for large paintings.fig 1

2 En Plein air sketches and paintings to ‘build’ a sensation of light and colour that I can store in my memory bank and use for the larger paintings.fig 2

3 large canvases the same ‘body size’ as myself stapled to the wall side by side and worked on simultaneously. These have themes and notes next to them but I can deviate if the painting takes a certain course I like. fig 3

4 Music is very important in this way of working in the studio and I have been sticking to my play list as well as going to lunchtime music concerts at the City library.

5 An idea that keeps recurring for me is that I bind the drawings and collages into a book, I have seen 2 exhibitions recently on the history of books and manuscripts and would like to use these ideas to create a book of images. Next year I wish to expand this further. I think this will help me form a clearer picture of my compositions and also generate more ideas. fig 4

6 Noticing and documenting patterns and marks made by natural and man made materials fig 5&6

fig 1

Studio September 2023

fig 2

Blind contour drawing en plein air

fig 3

Studio wall

fig 4

daily ‘thought forms’

compositions on found tiles

small drawing worked up large

charcoal and acrylic and pastel on unprimed canvas

16500 mm x 1800mm

Oil on primed canvas

1650mm x 1800mm

fig 5

fig 6

Post 34 - October Progress

Post 34 - October Progress

Post 32 - September Seminar

Post 32 - September Seminar