Post 30 - August exhibition inspiration

Post 30 - August exhibition inspiration

  1. Murmurs

    Imogen Taylor’s opening Micheal Lett gallery August 2023


opening night

This unique repurposed exhibition space is in the old chapel adjacent to Micheal Letts main gallery. The lighting worked well as it was very subdued and directional on some of the glowing ‘quieter’ works in the side galleries and the main wall was filled with natural light. It was a great opportunity to see her works up close. I could study the acrylic layers, she uses, as well as the different supports, like hessian, calico and linen.

Lett Gallery comments “she investigates intimate relationships with bodies, both human and non-human, as well as communication and what might exceed it.” 1

My main takeaway from this is the close cropping of her compositions and the push and pull of abstraction and figuration. fig 1

fig 1

Imogen Taylor, Night Eyes (Chestnuts) 2023, acrylic on canvas, 1500 x 1200mm

I have also experimented with layering a thin coat of black over yellow after hearing her talk of doing the same with neon colours.

2. Year 3 Batchelor’s Show

Whitecliffe - Form Gallery

form gallery

This group show was good to listen to as they took turns in answering questions about their practice and how they worked together to make decisions on the layout and lighting especially was interesting, they had thought about how to show the works in daylight and evening and changed lighting accordingly.

3. Notions

Campbell Patterson exhibition Micheal Lett Gallery

fig 1


2022 oil on canvas 600x450mm

Tamaki Makaurau artist Patterson uses accumulative brushstrokes to produce painted surfaces, which show the repeated actions and revisitation over time. (fig 1 and 2)

In fact this is the main device for creating his works. We are presented with many acts of labour that show how time is measured and slips away…

fig 2

Cameron Patterson

dog 2016

oil and poppyseeds on canvas 500 x 500 mm

Back in the studio

  • building from found objects and sketch book ideas to create new inspiration/work

‘Mood board’

collage on found boards

  • revisiting old bits of work or textures /experiments and putting them together in interesting ways possibly to be the basis for a new work.

Sally Barron



oil on canvas collage

  • next week a drawing/painting a day based on the idea of an imagined or remembered landscape - inspired by Richard Diebenkorn’s collage work and invented landscapes.2 (fig 3)

fig 3

Richard Diebenkorn

Invented landscape, 1977

Gouache and crayon on paper 17x14cm

Sally Barron


printers ink and gouache on paper collage A5




Post 31 - More August Exhibitions & Experiments

Post 31 - More August Exhibitions & Experiments

Post 29 - Learning from Art Text Essay

Post 29 - Learning from Art Text Essay